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What to Expect on a Sunday


We're glad you want to find out more about Living Hope!  It's always nice to know what to expect in a new place. 

Sunday's service begins at 10:00am, but many people like to come early for fellowship time with coffee & donuts before the service, beginning at 9:30am.  Come in through the main doors, which are the second set of doors.  You will be warmly greeted by friendly members of the church.  

The last Sunday of the month, we have a nametag Sunday.  If you happen to come on one of these, we'd love it if you would make yourself a nametag at that table just inside the door.  


Coffee & Donuts

Not to brag, but we have really good coffee roasted fresh by one of our members.  We also have tea, hot chocolate, & fresh donuts or cookies served on Sunday mornings before the service.  All of this is straight ahead in the Community Room.


If You Have Children:











We have children's ministries available during the services.  Kids 3 and under can be checked in at the Nursery.  You'll see a sign-- it's in the first door down the hallway on the right.



Children 3-years-old through 4th grade can be checked in at 9:45am in the education wing down the hall for "Children's Church."   For older children, there are special "Children's Bulletins" for kids to do doing the service that are on the table near the sanctuary entrance.  More details about Kids' Ministry HERE.  

As You Go In the Sanctuary: 

On your right is a high table with sermon note-taking sheets you can grab with an outline of that week's teaching-- these are great for note-taking and doodling.  There is also a basket labeled "Connection Cards."  We would really love it if you'd fill these out so we can connect with you and send you a one-time text or email.  It matters to us that you came.  We promise we won't stalk you or share your information.  You will notice a casual atmosphere, and people of all ages and walks of life.  Sit wherever you will feel most comfortable.  If you come early, don't be surprised if the room isn't very full.  The room often fills up just before the service starts, or even as the service is starting.


During the Service:

Our service begins with one worship song before someone welcomes us and gives some informational announcements.   After this, we spend 3-5 minutes of fellowship time to say hello to the people around us and get to know others better.  It is very casual.  If you are more comfortable sitting down and observing during this time, you are welcome to do so.  After our brief fellowship time, we come back together for three more worship songs.  Pastor Lon or another speaker then shares a Biblically based teaching with us.  These messages challenge us and help us to grow in our relationship with Jesus. Some of our most current messages are HERE.  We often end with a song and a closing blessing.


Communion & Giving


As a community of Christ followers, we celebrate communion together about once a month.  Anyone who has made the decision to follow Jesus Christ can participate in this time of reflection and prayer.  The juice and bread that we share represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ and the life He gave up so that our sins could be forgiven.  Note:  We offer bread & gluten-free crackers.  Regular attenders put tithes and offerings in the "Joy Boxes" that are mounted to the walls in the back of the room, and on the counter in the entryway.  You are welcome to give if you'd like to, but we encourage newcomers to just come and be ministered to. 

After the Service:

If your children were part of Nursery Children’s Church or Junior Church, please come and get them as soon as you are able.  You will see that many people stay after the service to visit and connect.  Feel free to stay and get to know us as you are comfortable.  We'd love to get to know you better.  



Frequently Asked Questions:

Will I understand the teaching, even if I don't know much about the Bible?

The teaching times are prepared to connect with people's lives by using the ageless wisdom and truths in Scripture and presenting it in a creative, yet straight-forward way. The services are designed to be easily understood by individuals searching for God and asking questions, and for long-time Christians who find these teachings invaluable to their spiritual and personal growth.        


How should I dress?

We tend to "come as we are" and "be who we are."  For us that usually means jeans and kahkis, not suits and dresses, and we want newcomers to dress however they feel comfortable. 


What if I come from a different faith background?

People who attend Living Hope come from a wide variety of faith backgrounds. Together, we focus on biblical truth and teachings, and pursuing an active relationship with Jesus Christ. 


What if I'm not even sure I believe in God?

Almost everyone has questions about spiritual things and how they might relate to their lives.  You are welcome to explore answers to your questions at Living Hope.


Can you describe the worship? 

Some of the deepest ways we communicate is through music, whether we are expressing worship to God or singing truths about Him.   Our worship teams are made up of regular people who sing and play instruments.  They help us express worship to God and reflect on who He is and what He's done in our lives.  You are welcome to worship God in the way that is most meaningful to you--sitting or standing, singing along or quietly reflecting on the words.  Most Sundays will involve a mix of newer contemporary songs and perhaps a hymn or two.   


How long are the services?

Services will typically last about an hour and 20 minutes.  Messages last about 30-45 minutes. 


How can I find out how to get involved beyond Sunday mornings?

Browse this website for opportunities or announcements, or contact the church offices for more information through the contact page.  Thanks for your interest!  



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Physical Address 

1450 237th Ave NE East Bethel, MN 55005


Coffee & Fellowship at 9:30 am

Service at 10:00 am

  • Facebook

Mailing Address 

P.O. Box 264, St. Francis, MN 55070



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