Current Sermon Series
Past Sermon Series
Practices: Extravagant Love

The Bad News and The Good News- Zephaniah & Haggai

101324 "Perhaps You Will Be Sheltered" (Zephaniah 1.1-2.3) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
102024 "All Will Fall" (Zephaniah 2.4-3.8) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
102724 "Faithful" (Zephaniah 3) with Sam McKie (audio)
110324 "Build the House!" (Haggai 1) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
111024 "Remember the Promise" (Haggai 2.1-9) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
111724 "Give Careful Thought" (Haggai 2.10-19) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
112424 "Future Hope" (Haggai 2.20-23) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
Intentional: Becoming a People Of...

09/08/24 "Becoming a Person of Love" (John 15) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/15/24 "Becoming a Person of Prayerfulness" with Tom Behling (audio)
09/22/24 "Becoming a Person of the Word" (John 5) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/29/24 "Becoming a Person of Worship" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (no audio-technical difficulties
01/06/24 "Mutual Community" (Hebrews 10.24-25) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
Titus: Agents of Transformation

09/01/24 "Devoted to Good" (Titus 3) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/25/24 "New Households" (Titus 2) with Pastor Lon Bjornru (audio)
08/18/24 "Sound in the Faith" (Titus 1.10-16) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/11/24 "Leadership Matters" (Titus 1.5-9) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/04/24 "Titus" (Titus 1.1-4) with Pastor Brad Christian (audio)
"The Good News According to Luke"

03/23/25 "The Great Banquet" (Luke 14.15-25) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/16/25 "My Dinner with Jesus" (Luke 14.1-14) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/09/25 "I Will Reach My Goal" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/02/25 "The Narrow Door" (Luke 13.22-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/28/24 "The Kingdom is Like" (Luke 13.18-21) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/21/24 "Sabbath is for Healing" (Luke 13.10-17) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud
07/14/24 "Repent!" (Luke 3.1-9) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud
07/07/24 "Reconciling & Discerning" (Luke 12.49-59) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud
06/30/24 "Be Prepared" (Luke 12.35-48) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud
06/23/24 "Greed and Worry" (Luke 12.13-34) with Pastor Michael Olson
06/16/24 "A Cure for Hypocrisy" (Luke 12.1-12) with Pastor Michael Olson
06/09/24 "Savage Grace" (Luke 11.37-54) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/26/24 "Teach us to Pray" (Luke 11.1-13)with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
-- Break in this Series --
11/26/23 "The One Thing" (Luke 10.38-42) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/19/23 "The Good Samaritan" (Luke 10.25-37) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
11/12/23 "Sending 72" (Luke 10.1-24) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/05/23 "Counting the Cost" (Luke 9.57-62) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/29/23 "Adventures in Missing the Point" (Luke 9.43-56) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/22/23 "The Greatness of God" (Luke 9.37-43) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/15/23 "Seeing His Glory" (Luke 9.28-36) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
-- Break in this Series --
08/06/23 "A Champion in Disguise (Judges 6)" with Pastor John Tenjack (audio)
(The above was a standalone message).
07/30/23 "Following Jesus" (Luke 9.21-27) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/23/23 "Who Do You Think He Is?" (Luke 9.18-20) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/16/23 "You Feed Them" (Luke 9.10-17) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/09/23 "Called to Send" (Luke 9.1-9) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/02/23 "Healing Touch" (Luke 8.40-56) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
-- Break in this Series --
04/09/23 EASTER "Go & Tell" (Luke 8.26-39) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
04/02/23 "Who is This?" (Luke 8.22-25) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/26/23 "Jesus' Family" (Luke 8.19-21) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
03/19/23 "How You Listen" (Luke 8.16-18) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/12/23 "Of Seeds and Soils" (Luke 8.1-15) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/05/23 "Do You See This Woman?" (Luke 7.36-50) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/26/23 "Are You the One?" (Luke 7.18-35) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​02/19/23 "Interrupting a Funeral" (Luke 7.11-17) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/12/23 "Finding Great Faith" (Luke 7.1-10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio
-- Break in this Series --
11/20/22 "Building Your Life" (Luke 6.46-49) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/13/22 "Bearing Fruit" (Luke 6.43-45) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/06/22 "Planks & Specks" (Luke 6.37-42) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/30/22 "Love Your Enemies" (Luke 6.27-36) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
10/23/22 "Calling, Blessings and Woe" (Luke 6.12-26) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
-- Break in this Series --
05/15/22 "Lord of the Sabbath" (Luke 6.1-11) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/08/22 "New Needs New" (Luke 5.33-39) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/01/22 "Eating & Drinking" (Luke 5.27-32) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
04/24/22 "Willing" (Luke 5.12-26) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
EASTER 04/17/22 "Breaking Out & Breaking In" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
04/10/22 "Recognizing Jesus" (Luke 5.1-11) with Sam McKie (audio)
04/03/22 "Rhythms of Jesus" (Luke 4.42-44) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/27/22 "Healing Words" (Luke 4.31-41) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/20/22 "Introduction & Rejection" (Luke 4.14-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/13/22 "In the Wilderness" (Luke 4.1-13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/06/22 "Whose Son is This?" (Luke 3.21-38) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio
02/27/22 "Preparing the Way" (Luke 3.1-20) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/20/22 "Growing Up" (Luke 2.39-52) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/13/22 "Ordinary Obedience" (Luke 2.21-38) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
-- Break in this Series --​
12/26/21 "Good News of Great Joy" (Luke 2.1-20) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/19/21 "Finding a Voice" (Luke 1.57-80) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/12/21 "My Spirit Rejoices" (Luke 1.39-56) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/05/21 "The Lord is with You" (Luke 1.26-38) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/28/21 "Your Prayer has Been Heard" (Luke 1.5-25) with Pastor Mike Olson (audio)
11/21/21 "That You May be Certain" (Luke 1:1-4) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
"Empowered: Life with the Holy Spirit"

4/7/24 "Familiar Stranger / Forgotten God" (Ecclesiastes 12.13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
4/14/24 "Giver of Gifts" (1 Corinthians 12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
4/21/24 "The Holy Spirit: My Friend and Helper" (John 14.14-27) with Pastor John Tenjack (audio)
4/28/24 "Water/Presence" (John 7.37-39) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
5/5/24 "Dove/Power" (John 1.32-34) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
5/12/24 "Breath/Person" (John 20.21-22) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
5/19/24 "Witness" (Acts 1.8) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Without Lack: The Life We Long For"

02/18/24 "Lacking Nothing" (Psalm 23.1) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/25/24 "He Refreshes My Soul" (Psalm 23.2-3a) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/03/24 "Right Paths" (Psalm 23.3b) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/10/24 "Through the Valleys" (Psalm 23.4) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/17/24 "My Cup Overflows" (Psalm 23.5) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/24/24 "Hunted" (Psalm 23.6) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/31/24 "The Good Shepherd" (John 10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Practices: Life as Worship"

12/31/23 "The Conclusion of the Matter" (Ecclesiastes 12.13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/14/24 "Saving Your Soul" (Matthew 16.24-26) with Brad Christian (audio)
01/21/24 "Broken & Contrite" (Psalm 51) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/28/24 "Renewed Minds" (Romans 12.1-2) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/04/24 "Everything You Do" (Colossians 3.17) with Sam McKie (audio)
02/11/24 "Your Very Muchness" (Deuteronomy 6.4-6) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Advent 2023: Christmas Behind the Curtain"

12/03/23 "The Dragon and the Child" (Revelation 12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/10/23 "Where is the One?" (Genesis 3.15) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/17/23 "Into the Darkness" (Matthew 2) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/24/23 "Prepare the Way" (Matthew 3) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Getting There Together"

06/10/23--BUILD Relationships with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/17/23--BRINGing others along with Sam McKie (audio)
09/24/23--BELONG through deeper relationships with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/01/23--BECOME through equipping opportunities with Pastor Michael Olson
(no audio due to technical difficulties)
10/08/23--BLESS by living a lifestyle of service with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"New Church Building Dedication Service"

08/13/23 "Consecrated (New Church Building Dedication)" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Peacemakers in a World of Conflict"

04/16/23 "Peacemakers in a World of Conflict" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
04/23/23 "Children of God" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/07/23 "Conflict Happens" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/14/23 "Easily Unoffended" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/21/23 "The 3 Hardest Words - I was Wrong" with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
05/28/23 "If You Love Them, Set Them Free" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/04/23 "Love is . . .Part 1" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/11/23 "Love is . . .Part 2" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/18/23 No Recording
06/25/23 "One Body" with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
"Practices: Prayerfulness"

01/01/23 "Teach Us To Pray" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/08/23 "Learning to Listen" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/15/23 "Praying for a Change" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/22/23 "Unanswered Prayer" with Glenn Olson (audio)
01/29/23 "Letting God Have It-Lament" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​02/05/23 "Praying Someone Else's Prayers" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Driving Hope - Core Values"

09/11/22 "Upward-God @ the Center" (Mark 12.28-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​09/18/22 "Downward-Humble, Servant Love" (Mark 12.28-30) with Living Hope stories (audio)
09/25/22 "Inward-Transformed from the Inside Out" (John 14-16) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/02/22 "Outward-Making Disciples" (Matthew 10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/09/22 "Withward-Together We Go" (Ephesians 4.1-16) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/16/22 "Withward-Together We Go, Part 2" (Romans 12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"The World, the Flesh, and the Devil: Fighting Back"

07/03/22 "The Air Around Us" (Ephesians 6.10-12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​07/10/22 "Liar!" (John 8.31-45) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/17/22 "True Talk About Lies" (John 8.44-45) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/24/22 "Forces of Evil" (Ephesians 6.10-12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (Apologies for the weird beginning)
07/31/22 "Footholds" (Ephesians 4) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/07/22 "Fighting the Devil" (Matthew 4) with Sam McKie (audio)
08/14/22 "The Flesh & False Freedom" (Galatians 5) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/21/22 "Sowing the Flesh" (Galatians 6) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/28/22 "Welcome to the World" (1 John 2.15-17) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/04/22 "Gain the World/Lose Your Soul" (Matthew 16.21-27) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Build or Destroy: How We Talk"

05/22/22 "Taming the Tongue" (James 3) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/29/22 "Slow to Speak" (James 1.19) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/05/22 "Speaking Life" (1 Thessalonians 5.11) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/12/22 "Gossip" (1 Corinthians 13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​06/19/22 "No Unwholesome Talk" (Ephesians 4.29) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
06/26/22 "Speaking Truthfully" (Ephesians 4.25) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
"Practices: Studying Scripture to Know God"
![[Practices] Studying Scripture to Know God.png](,h_230,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5BPractices%5D%20Studying%20Scripture%20to%20Know%20God.png)
01/02/22 "To Know God" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/09/22 "How to Read the Bible" with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
01/16/22 "A Better Story" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/23/22 "The Bible Tells Me So" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/30/22 Special speakers, David Knutson and Sam McKie (audio)
02/06/22 "Hidden in our Hearts" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Not Shaken: Becoming resilient disciples in an uncertain world"

10/03/21 "An Unshakeable Kingdom" (Hebrews 12:28-29) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​10/10/21 "Rooted" (Jeremiah 17.5-8) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
10/17/21 "Foundations" (Matthew 7.24-27) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​10/24/21 "Rooted & Established" (Ephesians 3.14-21) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
10/31/21 "Be Still" (Psalm 46/prayer and worship) with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
11/07/21 "Fix Your Eyes" (2 Corinthians 4.16-18) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/14/21 "We Have this Hope" (Hebrews 6.13-18) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Living the Hope of the Gospel"

09/05/21 "Living the Hope of the Gospel in This Moment" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/12/21 "Living the Hope of the Gospel at Home" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/19/21 "Living the Hope of the Gospel Today" with Sage Bjornrud & Simon Luckow (audio)
​09/26/21 "Living the Hope of the Gospel at Work & School" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Along the Way: Finding our Place in the Journey and Moving Forward"

08/01/21 "The Goal" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/08/21 Panel Discussion on the Process of Growing Spiritually (no audio recorded)
08/15/21 "The Pilgrimage" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/22/21 "Milk & Meat" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/29/21 "The Journey of Trust" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Daniel: A Creative Minority {A Handbook for Exile}"

04/11/21 "A Creative Minority" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
​04/18/21 "Resilient Disciples" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
04/25/21 "Compromise?" (Daniel 1) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/02/21 "The Wisdom Warrior" (Daniel 2) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/09/21 "Even If/Non-Participation" (Daniel 3) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/16/21 "Two Kings" (Daniel 4-5) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/23/21 "Faithful Witness" (Daniel 6) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/30/21 "Kingdom vs Empire" (Daniel 7) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/06/21 "Praying in Exile" (Daniel 8-12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/13/21 "Go Your Way" (Daniel 12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)​
Standalone Messages:
06/20/21 "What is the Church?" with Pastor Mike (audio)
04/04/21 "Real Life" Colossians 3 with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/28/21 "Not My Will" (Matthew 26.36-46) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Ruth: A Love Story"

02/14/21 "Moab" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
​02/21/21 "The Fields of Bethlehem" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio) (video)
​02/28/21 "It Just so Happened" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/07/21 "The Threshing Floor" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/14/21 "The City Gates" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/21/21 "Epilogue" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
"Evangelism is Relationships"

01/03/21 "Evangelism is Relationships Intro" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
01/10/21 "Intercede" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
01/17/21 "Invest" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
01/24/21 "Build-a-Friend" with Pastor Mike Olson (service) (audio)
01/31/21 "Intersect" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
02/07/21 "Invite" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud

11/29/20 "Good News!" (Luke 2:10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (entire service video) (audio) (video)
12/06/20 "This Child" (Luke 2.34) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio) (video)
12/13/20 "Your King" with Pastor Michael Olson (service) (audio) (video)
12/20/20 "Behold the Lamb" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
​12/27/20 "Behold His Glory" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (service) (audio)
"Practicing Presence: Slowing Down to be with Jesus"

10/25/20 "Rest-- the Easy Yoke" (Matthew 11.28-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
11/01/20 "The Grace of Limits" (2 Corinthians 12.1-10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
11/08/20 "Solitude, Stillness & Silence" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
11/15/20 "Sabbath" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video) (audio)
11/22/20 "Ordering Life" (Matthew 6.33) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video-entire service) (audio)
"On Target"

09/13/20 "Study Scripture to Know God" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
09/20/20 "Prayerfulness" with Glenn Olson (audio)
09/27/20 "Extravagant Love" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
10/04/20 "Worship as a Way of Life" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
10/11/20 "Mutual Community" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
10/17/20 "Living the Hope of the Gospel" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
"How Can We Pray"

04/19/20 "Always Praying" (Colossians 1:9-14) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
04/26/20 "Flooded With Light" (Ephesians 1:15-23) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)​
05/03/20 "Mutual Community" (Philemon 4-7) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
08/23/20 "What Really Matters" (Philippians 1.9-11) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
08/30/20 "Worthy of His Calling" (2 Thess 1.11-12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
09/06/20 "Filled to Fullness" (Ephesians 3.14-21) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
"People of Hope: A Journey Through 1 Thessalonians"

05/10/20 "Grace and Peace in the In-Between" (1 Thess 1.1) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
05/17/20 "Work, Labor and Endurance" (1 Thess 1.2-3) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
05/24/20 "Echoing the Gospel" (1 Thess 1.4-10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
05/31/20 "Sharing our Lives" (1 Thess 2.1-12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
06/07/20 "Accepting and Rejecting" (1 Thess 2:13-16) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
​06/14/20 "Our Glory & Joy" (1 Thess 2:17-3:10) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
06/21/20 "Increase and Overflow" (1 Thess 3:11-13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/28/20 "Set Apart" (1 Thess 4.1-8) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
07/05/20 "Here's the Problem" (1 Thess. 4.9-12) with Pastor Mike Olson (audio) (video)
07/12/20 "Waking Up" (1 Thess 4.13-18) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
07/19/20 "Children of the Day" (1 Thess 5.1-11) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
07/26/20 "A Gospel Church" (1 Thess 5.12-15) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
08/02/20 "God's Will for You" (1Thess 5.16-18) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
08/09/20 "Limiting God" (1 Thess 5.19-22) with Pastor Mike Olson (audio) (video)
08/16/20 "He Will Do It!" (1 Thess 5.23-28) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
"The Gospel of Mark: Follow Jesus"

11/04/18 "A New Exodus" (Mark 1:1-8) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/11/18 "The Water and the Wilderness" (Mark 1:9-13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/18/18 "The Kingdom" (Mark 1:14-15) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/25/18 "Follow Me" (Mark 1:16-20) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/02/18 No recording due to technical difficulties
12/09/18 "Why He Came" (Mark 1:21-39) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/16/18 "Touch" (Mark 1:40-45) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/23/18 "The Impossible King" (Christmas Message) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/30/18 "Through the Roof" (Mark 2:1-12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​01/06/19 "At the Table" (Mark 2:13-17) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/13/19 Guest Speaker Brian Jones (audio)
01/20/19 One of our missionaries shared with us and it was not recorded.
01/27/19 "New Wine" (Mark 2:18-22) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/03/19 "The Gospel According to the Pharisees" (Mark 2:23-3:6) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/10/19 "With" (Mark 3:7-19) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/17/19 "Accused" (Mark 3: 20-35) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/24/19 "Listen" (Mark 4:1-20) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
(March-April, we took a break from the Gospel of Mark series & did "The Name" series below)
04/28/19 "Lamps and Seeds" (Mark 4:21-34) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/05/19 "Be Still" (Mark 4:35-41) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/12/19 "The Other Side" (Mark 5:1-20) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/19/19 "Keep Believing" (Mark 5:21-43) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
05/26/19 "Rejected" (Mark 6:1-6) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
​06/02/19 "Kingdom Sandwich" (Mark 6:6b-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
06/09/19 "You Feed Them" (Mark 6.31-44) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
The following 2 weeks are standalone messages
06/16/19 "Who is this Guy?" with Pastor Michael Olson (audio)
06/23/19 Pastor Dean Johnson (audio)
06/30/19 "When Jesus Passes By" (Mark 6.45-56) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/07/19 "At the Heart" (Mark 7.1-23) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/14/19 "Dogs" (Mark 7.24-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
07/21/19 "Into the Decapolis" (Mark 7.31-37), Pastor Mike Olson (audio)
07/28/19 --special report from our Nicaragua Missions Team (some audio problems for 1st 10 minutes) (audio)
08/04/19 "Compassion for the People", Pastor Mike Olson (audio)
08/11/19 "Watch Out!" (Mark 8.14-21) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
08/18/19 "This is for Me" (Mark 8.22-26) with Pastor Mike Olson (audio)
08/25/19 "What About You?" (Mark 8.27-30) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/01/19 "Crosses" (Mark 8.31-9.1) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/08/19 "Up the Mountain" (Mark 9.2-13) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/15/19 "God's Workmanship" (Ephesians 2.1-10) with Pastor Dean Johnson (audio)
09/22/19 "Down the Mountain" Mark 9.14-29 with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
09/29/19 "Everything and Everyone" Mark 9.30-41 with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
(During the month of October, we did a series on anxiety-- see below)
11/03/19 "Of Salt & Millstones" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/10/19 "Hard Hearts" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/17/19 "Like a Child" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
11/24/19 "Rich Man" with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
12/01/19 "Reminders of the Gospel" with Pastor Mike Olson (stand alone message) (audio)
​Break for Advent Series
12/29/19 "Blind" (Mark 10:32-52) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/05/20 "Jesus Enters Jerusalem" (Mark 11.1-11) with Pastor Mike Olson (audio)
01/12/20 "The Temple and the Tree" (Mark 11.12-25) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/19/20 "The Vineyard" (Mark 11.27-12.12) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
01/26/20 "Traps" (Mark 12.13-27) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/02/20 "Most Important" (Mark 12.28-34) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/16/20 "Watch!" (Mark 13.1-27) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
02/23/20 Message was not recorded
03/01/20 "A Beautiful Thing" (Mark 14.1-11) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/08/20 "Broken & Poured Out" (Mark 14.12-26) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio)
03/15/20 "Falling Away" (Mark 14.27-31) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (audio) (video)
03/22/20 "Gethsemane" (Mark 14.32-52) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video-sermon is quiet)
03/29/20 "The Prophet, Priest, and Peter" (Mark 14.53-65) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
04/05/20 "What Shall I Do?" (Mark 15.1-15) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
04/10/20 "The Cross Meant to Kill" (Mark 15.16-47) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)
04/12/20 "Faith or Fear?" (Mark 16.1-8) with Pastor Lon Bjornrud (video)