Kids Ministry
Living Hope Kids' Ministry is all about teaching kids the way of Jesus. Jesus said to let the little children come to Him, so we are enthusiastically paving the way, helping children to know and love the God who made them and loves them as He reveals His great plans for the world through the Bible. Even at early ages, our kids are learning how to be with Jesus so they can become like Him and do the things He does. We gather to explore the story of God and His work in the world and invite our kids to enter into it: following the way of Jesus and joining with Jesus to do His good work in the world.
We do have strict policies regarding child safety for our teachers and volunteers. We require a child safety course & background checks for all of our volunteers. We are serious about protecting our kids and our volunteers and we want people of all ages to feel safe and comfortable! We want you as parents to know we are honored to be caring for what is most precious to you.

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Hope Kids
For 1st - 5th Graders*
* We hope to expand in the future.
"Hope Kids" is a relational ministry for kids in 1st through 5th grade that meets on Wednesday nights during the school year from 6:30-8:00pm! Games, fun activities & Bible lessons point kids to life through and with Jesus! Sept 18--May 7. Click HERE to register. No cost to join. The first Wednesday night of the month is Lego Night with a slightly different format.

0-3 years old
Babies and toddlers (ages 0-3) can be checked into our nursery for loving care during the service. The nursery is down the hallway on the right when you come into the main entrance. First door on the left. We also have a room for nursing moms across the hall.
All of our caring nursery workers have completed background checks and child safety training. We use a number check-in/out system. Please note: one of our safety policies is that our nursery staff do not change diapers.
Children's Church
3 years old -4th grade
Kids 3 years old through fourth grade have a time of fun & learning on Sundays during the worship service in their classroom down the education wing of the church (right side of the building).
We have two classes-- Club 3-K (three-years-old through Kindergarten) and Club 1-4 (1st through 3rd graders). One of our teachers helps check-in the kids at a table in the education wing hallway. We use a number system for check-in & check-out.
Kids love the singing, Bible learning, crafts, games, and of course...snack! There's something very special about the friendship-building that takes place here, as well as the excitement the kids have about learning about God! We use a 3-year cycle to teach the whole Bible through "The Gospel Project" curriculum.